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  • Velodyne(威力登)DD12 低音炮

    http://www.nottren.com/ 來源:索蘭影音 關鍵詞:威力登 80-DDP12BGE 低音炮

    威力登 80-DDP12BGE 低音炮

    Digital DrivePLUS Series: The New Industry Benchmark In Low Distortion Bass

    While this sub is not as massive as its 15” and 18” counterparts, the Digital DrivePLUS 12 (DD-12+) fills very large listening spaces (>3500 cu. ft.) with room-shaking, hyper-accurate bass. Less than ½ % distortion coupled with a frequency response between 17.0 and 120 Hz at 3dB down with a massive 3000 Watt dynamic amplifier ensures an irresistible bass experience you won’t find in any other 12” subwoofer. Plus, highly sophisticated 8-band Auto-EQPLUS technology and remote-control listening presets perfect the sub’s output to fit in seamlessly with your listening room and the rest of your system for any application.

    If your space is large and your need for power and perfection is great, the DD-12+ has what you’re looking for.


    • One-Touch Auto-EQPLUS automates the seamless blend of subwoofer, system and room

    • Use your PC for manual adjustments and real time feedback of your bass performance

    • The industry's lowest distortion bass—under .5%

    • Sophisticated cone design for fast, accurate motion

    • Six-layer, custom wound voice coil assures better heat dissipation

    • Massive motor structure for amazing low-frequency energy

    Length No
    Accessories Remote Control, Digital Drive Plus Accessory Kit, Video Cable
    Amplifier 3000 watts Dynamic, 1250 watts RMS Power
    Auto On/Off Yes
    Cabinet Design Sealed servo enclosure
    Dimensions: (H/W/D) 15.8" x 14.4" x 18"
    HiPass Crossover 80 or 100 Hz at 6 dB/octave
    LoPass Crossover 40 Hz to 199 Hz (variable in 1 Hz increments) selectable slope Default: 80 Hz @ 24 dB/Octave
    Phase Control 0, 180 Degrees
    Removable Grille Yes
    Shipping Weight 85 lbs.
    Voice Coil Six-layer, 65mm

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